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Blogtober 2023 :Day 1

Well in all honesty its Day 2 but I have just decided to join in so this will be my Day 1 which I will back publish and then attempt to do a post every day – Ususally September is my month for feeling like starting fresh and all that but some how this september it just didn’t- could be i no longer have school age children and the beginning of september always started with a new school year and all that freshness so a month later this year…

So far I have started a daily planner and goals – really I want to start journaling seriously and have been enjoying reading some blogs on it and watching some tube vids – I believe I have sourced my journal (more to follow on that…) but to start gently on myself and try to head off overwhelm which is something I suffer from I am doing odd doodles and lists etc… on random bits of paper – so its starting more as a scrap book… I feel inspired – can I keep it up?

I have started a day thingy on Instagram as well – that is following a prompt… its a creative thingy day 1 prompt was Bee –

October is getting all things autumnal – as since I don’t like to embrace that December thing until December I am going to rock on Autumn so stand by for some autumn inspired things…

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