Mid May Thoughts
I am playing catch up BIG TIME – I didn’t autumn sow this year/last year… 2021 because my Autumn sow 2020 left me feeling huge over whelm both while sowing and then in the spring when supposed to be ‘bumping up‘ most of the negative feelings came from the house move we had to do – it wasn’t my choice and really wasn’t a happy experience.
So Autumn 2021 the decision was made not to autumn sow – I purchased seeds and basically got myself somewhat ready for an Amazing spring sow – with the idea of succession sowing – limited seeds / flowers not in numbers as in plant babies as the plan was to over sow and sell / give away some of the seedlings that I didn’t want or accommodate – I was feeling much more confident in selling some as I felt I could comment on what conditions I had found they liked and talk with some knowledge about them.
Then another glitch in the works – I got sick – really really sick – you would be forgiven thinking but surely gardening is tonic – calming – soothing – planting a few seeds… All yes… tick – however this is me… and it just wasn’t working out like that… (I am writing up a health post which kinda documents what was going on… I will pop the link here to it when its done if you want to read what the heck – why was she so sick and all those questions 🙂 – however if the very thought of someone else’s whoa tails of poor me just don’t float your boat! don’t bother its not that mega).
So yes I am getting there just not where I had hoped to be… in addition to playing catch up…
I am planning this year 2022 to do Autumn Sow – I have a plan of what I am going to sow and I will follow Zoe Woodward Gardening I have her Autumn jump starter handbook a definite recommendation – she also has lots of videos and information on her website. I have wondered if this was / is a good idea – but you know it feels calming and relaxing and I’m going to check my seeds I have left and put a list of those I need to order in Autumn (to get as fresh as I can giving me the best chance). I will also plan where they will go over the winter and make sure the space is ready and useable and then where they will be going when time to plant out. As I write this I don’t feel overwhelm – or that I am rushing to the next stage and not enjoying where I am – just making the plan.
There are many people now on social media sites that post and document sowing seeds my best advice is follow who resonates best with you.
My list at present is…
Bulbs – I will do a separate post but basically planning to do a HUGE amount of bulbs this year – get prepared early – some in the ground at the allotment and some in pots for at home 🙂
Cornflowers – all the colours and loads of them… – I find them fuss free – the colours are all gorgeous in my opinion – but you can chose the ones you like.
Larkspur – God I love this plant so so so much the flowers for me are divine – however I find it a fussy pain to grow – but I refuse to give up. I have a post here with information.
Delphiums – same as above…
Nigella – I will try this again!!! but I have such bad results but hey ho this maybe my year!
Snapdragon – 100% I adore these as well – fairly fuss free and easy going.
Stocks – definitely these are a ‘one hit wonder’ once the flower has been cut or finished they will not do anything else… so be aware. This doesn’t bother me and I just grow more so that I can have vases and vases full – I have grown in pots so i can move pots around – and you need to be super vigilant for bugs – caterpillars will eat and entire lot over night!
Sweet Peas – my advise is only sow what you can cope with – although germination is usually very good they have many other things… they will get leggy linda – mice love the seeds – they need lots of growing room as they have long roots and they also in my opinion need staking early on as they grow tall and then floppy.
I will sow lots of seeds as I know I will have a % that don’t germinate – a % that I manage to kill – eeek – I want a lot of most of these flowers to make into bunches to sell – and I will donate or sell some of the seedlings that I don’t want or need therefore not really having an issue if I end up with a glut.
bumping up / potting on – term used to describe moving seeds sown on into bigger pots so they get more nutrients and space to get mighty strong before planting out.