Mid June
My plants, garden and allotment are in a weird place – not at all where I wanted them to be… I seem very behind on the blooming of flowers and I am beginning to doubt if they will flower at all TBH. Well not a lot I can do about it now – but I need to make a note to be more prepared 2023.
I am tending to only sow seeds of plants that I love – for me at the moment they are too tricky to grow if I don’t really like the flower or plant I just don’t enjoy it.
I am sowing my biennial seeds this year and have ordered seeds from Kings Seeds (I have an Allotment account so get discounted seeds – if you are a member of an allotment it maybe worth seeing if you can get one).
I ordered, Foxgloves – apricot – its taken me a few goes at sowing foxglove seeds, they are so so so tiny and you get lots in a pack – so I now lightly sprinkle on a tray of compost and then prick out and pot onto small pots until established and then you can either direct plant or plant in bigger pots – I have found they do fine in a 10 Lt pot for me – but by all means try different sizes or amount of plants per pot if you like – I have found Foxgloves will still flower however no where near as big if in significantly smaller pots but they do flower.
Lupins – another all time favourite of mine – So I am trying blended mixture and navy blue.
Wallflowers – Fair Lady Mix – they should hopefully flower early next year and be useful for flower bunches.
Honesty – also known as Lunaria annua -Money Plant – I have Fine Mix – should be purple and white – 15 cm spacing when planting out.
Sweet Rocket – Hesperis Matronalis – I ordered mix and they are purple and white and look decidedly like honesty – we will see the difference and which I prefer…?
Sweet William Crown Double Mixed – they have great vase life.
Verbascum chaixii album snowy spires and Verbascum Phoeniceum
Echinacea Purpurea Purple Coneflower
Lavender Stoechas – I do love lavender, I have never grown lavender from seed – apparently its not easy to grow from seed… but we will see – it doesn’t very well from cuttings apparently but again I haven’t had much luck so will keep going on that front and update.