March Hello
So, sow, sew… All together now – March is here – I always find the end the month and beginning of a new one a little strange and especially during this year of COVID (yes I know we all want out of this state we are in but for me just rushing the seasons / months / festivals doesn’t help) as I am a worrier and I want time to slow down not speed up and new months tend to make me stress as I see more the time is flying by- I know look forward but… hey we are who we are.
As I said I am natural stresser – I mean not really something that is an asset really is it – just about everyone and I mean EVERYONE tells me gardening and planting help reduce stress… I am not sure I am at that bit yet… BUT this months resolution could be to embrace the highs YAH and the lows meh, highs well they are self evident really and the lows well we are going call them learning curves… I have lots to reflect on and I think the year anniversary for COVID19 lockdown is going to be month for me to write about it.
Plans for plants – seeds – garden -after lots of looking and thinking (procrastinating) I am going to just wing it – I have no idea what will grow what I will kill – I have a bloody big dog and it is being brought to my attention very quickly at the moment as I sit watching and pondering the garden that he pees on EVERYTHING ummm – also this is my first year in this garden and I have found that actually it takes me time to get to know a garden BUT when you rent you are not always given that luxury and maybe that is a good thing and will force me out of my comfort zone into just jump in babe…
I think to start the first week I am going to start with a plan and structure to see if that works for me – have been doing lists and ticking off – does make me feel a little more productive as I can look back at the ticks and go oh look I did that 🙂