Bouquets,  life,  Planting

Bouquet Practice – April

So bouquets… posies… or just random cutting from the garden… I am not sure but… at the moment I tend to let fear of my arrangements looking pretty dreadful stop me from just having a go – so since this month is BOSSING it month I’m going to start this… I am hoping to do lots as practice makes perfection– nah – I mean what does perfection even mean…? So practice brings improvement and hopefully will help me try different things and help develop different styles

Above is a random bunch of flowers – well I guess technically foliage? Cut from my garden 03/04/21 – they are growing in the garden but i didn’t plant them – at the time off posting this I am not sure of names… I mean the back bit is a bit of conifer


Above is a posie (not really sure how I am feeling about calling them posies at the moment as they feel a little more like grab a handful and shove’em together ummm) made from plants and flowers in the garden. Tin can washed out – they leak so if you are thinking of doing this BE CAREFUL they also rust if you don’t treat the outside – but I somehow like the rustie look too – will post a pic of rusted one and a few others I have experimented with last summer – 2020). I also used tin cans last year for potting little things in mainly trailing lobella – I made drainage holes in the bottom to help with the drainage as although they do leak not enough to drain if full of soil and a plant -but beware they can dry out super quick.


A few little wander wild flowers from the garden.


Hellebores – I am not sure about hellebores sometimes I love them sometimes I’m just not sure… anyway these were some of the last in the garden so I decided to cut and bring in and enjoy for a day or 2 – I have watched and read how to cut them for cut flowers but nothing I try seems to work within 24hrs maybe 48hrs if I am super lucky (and where I put them is a little cooler than the rest of the house) they have wilted – which I don’t mind too much as they can still look stunning but the mess – meh I have enough mess to be honest. But there is something about this bunch that touches me.


Above Forget-me-nots and honesty picked from the garden 🙂


Above I like the different bottles / vessels and mixing up the flowers – needs work oh and yeah as usual a better place to photograph… a job to add to May…

Round Up… the hellebores definitely keep longer in a cool place – conditioning flowers definitely helps like HUGE

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