Biennials 2021
The list of Biennials you can grow from say end of June to end of July is long – they should hopefully germinate and flower early next spring.
-Sweet William – I am not sure I am going to grow these… now I may grow them later on I do have some I have sown last year so may try and save them and see if they come early next year. They do have amazing vase life I have found and work well in bunches. They really need staking! oh and guess what probably feeding…
- Foxgloves – I already have lots of these planted out from this past year – I adore foxgloves – I wasn’t going to plant more but decided that I will – I mean can you have enough foxgloves??? – message me your favourite colour or variety.
Most foxgloves are biennials Erin from Floret Flowers says 2 new hybrids Dalmatian Peach and Camelot Cream flower in the first year from early sowing and will also produce a second year if left in place.
- Sweet Rocket – tuck down into a bunch if harvesting and putting in a bunch as they tend to grow – the more you harvest the more they flower (they then have the beautiful seed pods -) I just need to chose the colour and if don’t get a move on it will be too late!
Aquligia / Columbine
- I have a packet of seed and well we will see they have germinated – so I need to bump up into 1tr pots and start seaweed feed (lesson learnt from last year bump up and feed!!! )
- I have indulged and bought myself 2 plants both orange colour in 2 l tr pots so very small – I am going to plant up into bigger containers – initially 10lt and see how they go… – I am going to try and take a cutting from one my mum has growing in her garden – Mrs Bradshaw and I have seeds growing – the seed is Lady Stratheden (yellow colour).
- I have Mr Fothergill’s Nigella (2021)- Persian Jewels (500 seeds – £2.15) I am going to plant – I am going to plant out 60 because I had really bad luck with them last year – so will try 60 now (I am a little late as beginning of August but…) and then I will also plant out in September and then in about Feb / March 2022
- Choice Mixed Mr Fothergill’s (2021 – 500 seeds – £2.15) I am going to plant out 60 and see germination – I will also sow end of September.
Himalayan Poppy – Blue
- These are re-nouned to be very difficult to grow so we will see… they are also expensive at £4.99 for 25 seeds – ummmmmm going to try the fridge okeeee – koookie – in out in out… – i am a little late in sowing.. oh dear