Bl**dy FREEZING… well maybe not… but cold!!! Very Cold – its making me kinda garden crazy – I want to get my stuff out out out – especially things like my sweet peas – but as we say in the Cricket World – kid you can’t change the weather… So we start the month actually taking as much advantage as possible from sunshine and warmth that we do get and trying to pot up somethings – I think my focus is actually going to have to be these sweet peas and planting the rest of my seeds.
Below is direct from budtoseed website – I just keep re-reading it – makes me feel better when feeling overwhelmed.
How to sow
A lot of seed sowing is trial and error and what works for one person sometimes doesn’t work for another – or what works one year is a disaster the next. There are so many variables to tip the applecart – weather, seed and compost quality, water – and reliable germination and growth can never been guaranteed. I’ve been doing this a long time and still have plenty of failures. You just have to learn to move on and not get disheartened; you’ll find your own favoured methods and will gradually improve your success rate.