• Flowers,  Month,  Planting,  Seeds

    Biennials 2021

    The list of Biennials you can grow from say end of June to end of July is long – they should hopefully germinate and flower early next spring. -Sweet William – I am not sure I am going to grow these… now I may grow them later on I do have some I have sown last year so may try and save them and see if they come early next year. They do have amazing vase life I have found and work well in bunches. They really need staking! oh and guess what probably feeding… Foxgloves – I already have lots of these planted out from this past year –…

  • Flowers,  Planting,  Seeds


    Double flowers (some only single)- stocks are also only a one hit wonder – so DON’T PINCH OUT or they will not flower at all – once they have flowered you use place for something else like Dahlia – if you are growing Dahlias. 1 seed per cell – so just to clarify if 1st leaves are like above they will be single flowers and if not jointed like this should be double flowers. Make a well and put seed in so lots of contact with soil but don’t cover – they need light to germinate. Can plant from about end of feb – (heat mat with hat on as…

  • Flowers,  Planting,  Seeds

    Godetia Crown

    I have never grown Godetia before to be fair I’m not sure I have heard of it before – anyway I fell a bit in love with a picture and write up I saw and oh next thing I know it was in my basket… The seed I am growing is from Higgledy Garden I am sowing mine this year in April and see how I get on… but from reading you could autumn sow… September time. I – think / hope / try- a few different ways of sowing – they don’t like transplanting unless lots of earth with them is what Higgledy says so Im going to try…

  • Bouquets,  life,  Me,  Seeds

    Sweet Peas

    I think I have a love hate relationship with these… I adore them but boy I personally don’t find them easy to grow… they need attention they are not something you can kind of just chuck in and let them get on with it – in my experience anyway. I am all for planting seeds – I love it – but these are very cheap to buy from your local garden centre / nursery if you just want a bucket – like seriously £2.00 for 10… – local supermarket probably does them in a cute bucket!!! – however if you want oooooddddles or if you want a specific variety or…

  • Bouquets,  Planting,  Seeds


    Lupins – total love (lolz everything on here at the moment is total love..) I grew these for the first time in 2019 as my mother wanted to do some amazing display buckets for my brother and his now wife’s wedding day. I didn’t grow them from seed – I picked up a few from one of our local garden nurseries while they were seedlings or just past and they grew into gorgeous – and they were gorgeous plants / flowers – I grew them in pots and kept them in pots… they have come back every year since (mum told me she could never keep them in the garden…

  • Planting,  Seeds


    I have grown Cosmos twice before – first time I bought about 10 plants from a market near where I was working – OMG they were just adorable – I was IN LOVE so the next year I decided that I would grow them from seed and have a garden just bursting with Cosmos – like you can’t have too much of this can you… ha ha – well it was horrid – it was amazonial – it was also full of black fly all of which I could have coped with however I hardly had any flowers and when they did come I was kind of past waiting and…

  • About,  life,  Me,  Planting,  Seeds


    Bl**dy FREEZING… well maybe not… but cold!!! Very Cold – its making me kinda garden crazy – I want to get my stuff out out out – especially things like my sweet peas – but as we say in the Cricket World – kid you can’t change the weather… So we start the month actually taking as much advantage as possible from sunshine and warmth that we do get and trying to pot up somethings – I think my focus is actually going to have to be these sweet peas and planting the rest of my seeds. Below is direct from budtoseed website – I just keep re-reading it –…

  • Planting,  Seeds


    So round 2… I planted my original scabious in the Autumn… in my experience not a good plan… they all died and it was fairly tragic – they germinated great rate – one day they were doing so well – then just meh – all dead – So will see how I go with these…I’ve just sown 12 – 2 per pot these are Johnsons seeds (I think they jumped literally into the shopping trolley while doing the food shopping the other day… Ummm funny that) – They were £2 and approx 50 seeds – I am hoping to succession sow – loads of tutorials out there with advise I…

  • Bouquets,  Flowers,  Seeds

    Phlox ’21

    I have never grown phlox before – I mean there is plenty of seeds I have never sown or plants I have grown until this year 2020 /2021 but a lot I have bought as flowers part of bouquet but not sure about these babies – BUT in following so many flower people over on insta I thought meh why not lets give them ago… I ordered mine from Chiltern Seeds I chose 2 packets both mix packets to give myself a taste of what I might like for the future. So I have Birds of a Feather – they should be Creme Brulee Cherry Caramel Isabellina And Phlox of…

  • About,  Bulbs,  Corms,  life,  Me,  Planting,  Seeds

    March Hello

    So, sow, sew… All together now – March is here – I always find the end the month and beginning of a new one a little strange and especially during this year of COVID (yes I know we all want out of this state we are in but for me just rushing the seasons / months / festivals doesn’t help) as I am a worrier and I want time to slow down not speed up and new months tend to make me stress as I see more the time is flying by- I know look forward but… hey we are who we are. As I said I am natural stresser…