• Bouquets,  Flowers,  Planting,  Seeds

    Thoughts for 2022

    Lots of people are planning for and have started sowing for next year (2022) – not going to lie – I am still tidying up from this years carnage. – I am that person that still has Halloween stuff up while everyone else is doing Christmas… yes that is me. I have done an alphabetical list in an attempt to look organised – AAstrantia – lots of – (I am still debating if to just buy some plugs… or to do the seeds…)MollisAntirrhinum (snaps)AquilegiaAchillea ptarmica (the pearl) like gypsoAnemone – Japanese – white and pinkAstilbe BBleeding hearts – maybe not this year CCornflowersCosmosCobaea (on the front as a climber?) crespedia…

  • Month,  Seeds


    This is my first Aster flower – ‘Ostrich Plume’ these seeds were Higgledy Seeds I sowed them around March – April 2021 (I can’t remember the exact date but probably nearer April due to the weather) they were a last minute purchase as I was unsure about Asters but I read the Barbara Cartland bit and kinda went – how can I not give them a whirl – I am so glad I did I adore them xx On the list for 2022 – notes for next year try succession sow from March – maybe 3 batches – I think 1 maybe 2 per 10 lts pot. – feed –…

  • Flowers,  Month,  Planting,  Seeds


    So NGL is still one of my favourite sayings (Not Gonna Lie) – I fell out of love with Dahlias for various reasons – they are difficult to grow – they get all sort of beasties – they also succumb to rain damage in the bud stage or petal stage – the tubers are tricky customers to store and sort eyes and all that malarkey… needless to say I managed to kill all the ones I had… I shrugged and went you know what not for me – and then a friend via Instagram sent me some in a seed swap – seed dahlia – well nothing to lose give…

  • Month,  Planting

    Mid July

    How the hell did it get to mid july already? No idea… Anyways it did and it is here so… Update Insanely even though I feel stuck or going backwards – I also feel like I am sorting feelings and finding myself… I have more than half committed (this is just about as committed as I can ever allow myself) to the new name for my initial flower business – it will be Elsie and Eric (the whole whys etc… will be over on the site when I get it all set up – the E & E site will be more of a business site – what I am…

  • Flowers,  Month,  Planting,  Seeds

    Biennials 2021

    The list of Biennials you can grow from say end of June to end of July is long – they should hopefully germinate and flower early next spring. -Sweet William – I am not sure I am going to grow these… now I may grow them later on I do have some I have sown last year so may try and save them and see if they come early next year. They do have amazing vase life I have found and work well in bunches. They really need staking! oh and guess what probably feeding… Foxgloves – I already have lots of these planted out from this past year –…

  • Flowers,  Planting,  Seeds


    Double flowers (some only single)- stocks are also only a one hit wonder – so DON’T PINCH OUT or they will not flower at all – once they have flowered you use place for something else like Dahlia – if you are growing Dahlias. 1 seed per cell – so just to clarify if 1st leaves are like above they will be single flowers and if not jointed like this should be double flowers. Make a well and put seed in so lots of contact with soil but don’t cover – they need light to germinate. Can plant from about end of feb – (heat mat with hat on as…

  • Bulbs,  Planting

    Tulip Bulbs part 1

    I wanted to have tulips tulips galore – they are my favourite flower so although many people say they are not profitable if selling I bought these primarily to have in the garden and bring in TBH so I ordered lots (for me about 350) so not really to the amount many people buy – but by the result I’m so glad I didn’t order more -I am so sad and disappointed – I sat for hours choosing colours having never ordered bulk like that normally I would just go to local garden centres and pick up a few bags of what they have nothing special – and this year…

  • May,  Month,  Planting

    May here we go…

    Feeling optimistic about May so decided this months word / moto is BE BRAVE so deep breath here we go… Ideas for May… Get photographing – and better at documenting things for the future – remember to take ‘along the way’ photos… for me as I want to get cameras out and batteries charged – somewhere to upload photos – I would like to get a darkroom going again. Sort out the front garden so looks AMAZING – think of it as shop front (move bins to behind gate – yes very annoying when putting out but will look so much better – re-do bunting – brighter colours Try hanging…

  • life,  May,  Month,  Planting


    Welcome May welcome welcome – like every month so far this year it seems like the world has exceedingly high hopes for you – I feel it is almost a little unfair to put such high expectations on a month… ummm So April showers were supposed to bring May Flowers… except April was one of the driest on record… what is that going to hold – lots of watering or not too many flowers I’m not sure. I have lots of thinkings going on in my brain at the moment – I appear to have taken the beginning of each new month this year almost with the same thought process…

  • life,  Me,  Planting

    End April

    April seems to have lots of posts of chat… I’m not sure that April is the month to tell yourself you are going to BOSS IT but hey I needed a bit of a shove, nudge, push and it felt right at the when I said it – Looking back I have not BOSSED it but the thought that I set that as my goal actually has helped – I have had many down days probably just as many as any other time – but I have kept telling myself, you said you were going to boss it so get bossing girl. Lessons – learnt or thought about Take things…