- About, Allotment, Annuals, Biennials, Bulbs, Corms, Flowers, life, Me, Month, Perennials, Planting, Seeds
September 2022
As Summer comes to an end and Autumn looms and September usually brings the feeling of new beginnings for me I am beginning to take stock of the year so far and look ahead at what I would like to achieve for next year. I didn’t really join in the Autumn seed sowing in 2021 – I just had way to much over whelm and I had just started a new job (turned out to be 2 new jobs as the 1st didn’t work out!). I didn’t stress I just decided that I didn’t need the pressure and that I would sow seeds in the spring time.
Mid April
As the title suggests it is mid April already and today I don’t feel like I am BOSSING it (which is Aprils theme…) – for the uber observant you might see the dates are odd – I wrote this mid April but didn’t post until 23/04/21 – I feel deflated and just like I am going to fail… I know all that ‘fail’ crap like what is it about – I mean when my friends of family wobble I give them the medicine – don’t worry and don’t wobble you will be fine – hold on tight you will be fine. insert a page or 2 pics from charlies book…
March Hello
So, sow, sew… All together now – March is here – I always find the end the month and beginning of a new one a little strange and especially during this year of COVID (yes I know we all want out of this state we are in but for me just rushing the seasons / months / festivals doesn’t help) as I am a worrier and I want time to slow down not speed up and new months tend to make me stress as I see more the time is flying by- I know look forward but… hey we are who we are. As I said I am natural stresser…
Anemones and Ranunculus
I sowed these in the Autumn / winter… – 6th / 7th November 2020 They were doing ok… I had a few near casualties and ICU moments but I think I saved most of them – but we are not 100% until we actually get flowers. They come sort of dormant and dried – shrived looking – lots of advise is to put in water – running water for 3 hours plus… I don’t as this seems like a lot of water and I don’t have a system rigged up that could circulate the water. So I change the water and make sure they are in a fairly big-ish bowl…