Mid July
It’s HOT very very HOT (uncharacteristically so for UK) and while I am actually doing fine in this heat – so are the weeds I might add… the flowers on the other hand – ummmmm not so good. A lot of them are just basically getting fried – I definitely need to remember to have a space set up and sorted out for if we get weather like this – somewhere shady where I can move any pots plants that are extremely venerable to being fried. So I am thinking next years planting and plants – So far I have sown some of my Biennial – a few more to…
July Sowing 1
Today I sowed my first Biennials for this year… Foxgloves, Echinacea, Verbascum Phoeniceum. I just sowed them up in a mix of compost and coir compost and in plastic fruit trays that I keep, the trays already have drainage holes in the bottom and I fill with the compost mix and water from underneath. I have put these 3 containers into the greenhouse and I will cover with a mesh to allow sunlight through but to stop the birds from eating seeds and then seedlings. Where I live at the moment we have a HUGE amount of wild birds and while this is absolutely fantastic and an honour that they…