I have never really paid that much attention to these beauties – I certainly don’t think I have ever cut and brought into a vase but you know they are really lovely – I have lots in my garden – my mum also has a lot in her garden and for 2021 I have planted seeds – I am doing a late summer planting and then I plan to do an earlyspring (I say early spring – I will watch the temps and light as I found 2020 people said oh sow in Feb… but to be honest I found waiting a few weeks more was better it was just…
This is an all time favourite flower for me – especially in bunches this year 2020- I didn’t actually grow these myself but my mum has quite a few plants dotted around her garden – they come in a variety of reds, pinks and whites. 2021 they are must grow in my garden – my usual pots for this year as well – I have been debating with myself should I grow from seed I currently have about 4 different seed packets in my basket from Chiltern Seeds (not advert or sponsor just somewhere I buy seeds from). I am also debating if I should order plugs – I am…
Thoughts for 2022
Lots of people are planning for and have started sowing for next year (2022) – not going to lie – I am still tidying up from this years carnage. – I am that person that still has Halloween stuff up while everyone else is doing Christmas… yes that is me. I have done an alphabetical list in an attempt to look organised – AAstrantia – lots of – (I am still debating if to just buy some plugs… or to do the seeds…)MollisAntirrhinum (snaps)AquilegiaAchillea ptarmica (the pearl) like gypsoAnemone – Japanese – white and pinkAstilbe BBleeding hearts – maybe not this year CCornflowersCosmosCobaea (on the front as a climber?) crespedia…
So NGL is still one of my favourite sayings (Not Gonna Lie) – I fell out of love with Dahlias for various reasons – they are difficult to grow – they get all sort of beasties – they also succumb to rain damage in the bud stage or petal stage – the tubers are tricky customers to store and sort eyes and all that malarkey… needless to say I managed to kill all the ones I had… I shrugged and went you know what not for me – and then a friend via Instagram sent me some in a seed swap – seed dahlia – well nothing to lose give…
Biennials 2021
The list of Biennials you can grow from say end of June to end of July is long – they should hopefully germinate and flower early next spring. -Sweet William – I am not sure I am going to grow these… now I may grow them later on I do have some I have sown last year so may try and save them and see if they come early next year. They do have amazing vase life I have found and work well in bunches. They really need staking! oh and guess what probably feeding… Foxgloves – I already have lots of these planted out from this past year –…
June Bunches
The first post I did for this in April was called Bouquet Practice I am going to change the name to Bunches as Bouquet sounds a little grand for what I am doing and I love the name posies but not sure that’s generic enough – I also like the word fafferie so may call it June Fafferie – July Fafferie – And I may add Faerie to the end so it would be June Fafferie Faerie – I don’t know I like both of those to be honest like a monthly update…? Anyway the faffing with the flowers is back on… Friday 4 June saw my first bunch of…
Tulip Bulbs part 2
If you have read part 1 you maybe like – confused as it was all doom and gloom for the Tulips – they were a train wreck… I didn’t know why really BUT then… again I don’t really know why, but then BAM tulips so… I am going to share some cutting and storing tips I have picked up… Tips for cutting and storing If you want to store bulbs for next year you need to leave 2 leaves on the stem when you cut (profession tulip growers will pull up bulb and cut at the base of the bulb – then composting the bulb). If you want longest flower…
Double flowers (some only single)- stocks are also only a one hit wonder – so DON’T PINCH OUT or they will not flower at all – once they have flowered you use place for something else like Dahlia – if you are growing Dahlias. 1 seed per cell – so just to clarify if 1st leaves are like above they will be single flowers and if not jointed like this should be double flowers. Make a well and put seed in so lots of contact with soil but don’t cover – they need light to germinate. Can plant from about end of feb – (heat mat with hat on as…
April Update
Ok its nearly the end of April 23/04/20 to be exact – I feel crappy – this gardening malarkey is making me crazy – I mean it is probably good for me as all I want to do is run run run far away from it – and I can’t! 🙁 – its so hot in the day (UK warm) everything is drying out and in need of water and and ATTENTION and and and… then its so bloody cold at night that everything is freezing freezing freezing – so watering is a nightmare – planting up seeds is a nightmare – this gardening is a nightmare… I am a…
Godetia Crown
I have never grown Godetia before to be fair I’m not sure I have heard of it before – anyway I fell a bit in love with a picture and write up I saw and oh next thing I know it was in my basket… The seed I am growing is from Higgledy Garden I am sowing mine this year in April and see how I get on… but from reading you could autumn sow… September time. I – think / hope / try- a few different ways of sowing – they don’t like transplanting unless lots of earth with them is what Higgledy says so Im going to try…