I have never planted or grown daffs – I always thought I would if I had a garden of my own – the garden I have at the moment is with our house that is rented and they have lovely daffs, which I am enjoying seeing this spring. Also general daffs are so so cheap in the shops it seems a shame to cut them from the garden – however during the last 2 or so years I am realising what huge range / varieties are out there that I am just loving that I am going to make a list and grow some of the more unusual ones for…
March – mid
This is about the third post I have written for March – Its been a funny old month and every time I have written something – life has thrown a curve ball and not really made what I have written relevant… So… I am running very behind on all the Autumn and Early Spring grow alongs – the seeds are very few and far between… and of course this year with the allotment I have a ton of space to put everyting… WHY AM I BEHIND… This mainly runs to my health – I was diagnosed in Feb with Low Thyroid (I will write about this in a separate section…
Actually it appears that this is maybe the first post about the allotment… – I think I need to go back over some posts and see if and what I have mentioned about it before. I am back dating this in the timeline of the blog so it fits better (but I am actually writing it end of May! Opps) But to start… It is very slow but I love it and it is shaping up just the way I want it 🙂 x I have had a few wobbles – not all but a vast majority grow veg and I am using it as a flower space. Initially it…
Sown Seeds Feb ’22
I have started to sow my Spring-Grow-A-Long inspired and encouraged 100% by Zoe and Neil from Swan Cottage Flowers and friends on Instagram. Today (16/02/22 ) I have sown:- 60 Carnations – Chabaud ‘La France’ I have sown them in Coir pellets and I have a couple of these trays (I originally bought them preloaded with the pellets) the pellets just slot in and then I water them so they swell up. This tray holds 60 pellets total. 40 Statice – Apricot sown in seed trays – I have sown these in 40 cell trays with compost mixed with perlite. 40 Statice – White sown in seed trays – I…
January Sweet Pea Sowing 2022
Sweet Peas Yes again! So every year I say NO I am crap at growing Sweet peas and every year I cant resist in sowing them -they have this hold over me… I have ordered Swan Cottage Flower Mix – that was all I was going to grow but… now I am wondering if to add a few more… ummmmm since I draft wrote this and posted it – I have ordered from Roger Parsons… if you look at my Sweet Peas post from 2021 I have more information on there… I am also closely following @thesweetpeaman on Instagram for thought and advice on how he grows his. (There is…
NYE 2021
Well it is the end day of 2021 and the Eve of a new year 2022! (funny that 2021 is followed by 2022 – eye roll). Its warm wet and grey – ideal for a spot of gardening – if only the sun would poke out for a wee while i would be enticed to venture outside – anyways I am going to plant out some seed – a few sweet peas going – SCF mix a few Cerinthe and a tray of cornflowers. I said NO NO NO to doing seeds in Jan due to light conditions but hey I never before listened to my own advice so… ummmm…
Seeds For 2022
Its the 27 / 28 Dec (as I am writing this) the weather is a bit a lot MEH – BUT I have had a totally gorgeous Christmas Day and Boxing day and now I am just chilling and being very Sloth like and loving every minute of it – so encouraged to think about looking at my seeds for growing this coming year. I have a lot of seeds left over and I want to use them up… So I have tried to separate them into piles / sections of Defo Growers and then left over seeds that I am giving another chance to for various reasons. I am…
Larkspur Part II
If you read part 1 you will know that I adore these plants!!! I just keep ordering more and more seeds… so I planted some out this autumn we will see – in disgust at myself for not actually planting enough for my want… I then decided to literally throw some onto wet kitchen roll and put in lock bags ( I have an assortment that I use time and time again for seeds etc…) – I then promptly forgot about them – they are now rescued and what is sort of growing have been transferred into soil / seed compost and are on my ICU shelf of seeds and…
Birthday Rose
November is my birthday month- I have decided to try to start a new tradition since this gardening malarkey seems to be taking hold of my life 🙂 so this year I asked my children if they would buy me a bare root rose – I chose the one I wanted and where I wanted it from and even gave them a discount code that I had… (who knew that this time of year is IDEAL for ordering and planting bare root roses!) Rose – Roald Dahl Shrub Rose from David Austin It fits/ticks every box that I needed for a rose in a particular area. I also decided that…
Calla Lilies
These are a new plant / bulb for me – another flower I have ended up falling in love with! Yes I know another… I was given 3 as request gift from my mother when she visited RHS Tatton this year from Harts nursery. We planted them up when got them… (insert picture – they didn’t disappoint – I will collect more over time and have aim to have a vast display! 🙂 CARING FOR YOUR CALLA LILIES In most areas, the foliage will be hit by frost and slightly blackened. This should be cut away. Lift Rhizomes before the first frosts and store them over winter before replanting them…