Hellebores have become a firm favourite of mine especially a winter flower and I am going to try and start a collection of these winter beauties. I am trailing keeping them in pots and see how I get on and I am also considering trying growing them from seed… The photo below is from some flowers I cut from the garden and brought in to enjoy in the house. They make a wonderful bunches to bring indoors so I now have a growing list of ones I am hoping to get and now consistently on the look out to buy… these are more uncommon ones I am finding out… Sun…
Autumn Jump Starter ’22
I have catalogued my seeds that I already have – I have invested in the new jump starter Zoe Woodward Gardening and I am now going to make the decision on what to sow this autumn, how many and aim to keep them alive until such time as to plant them out next spring. I need to think and plan how many seeds to sow and think about where I am going plant them up. Ammi Majus Cerinthe CornFlowers Nigella Orlaya Snapdragons Sweet Peas Sweet Rocket – sow early in September – in the greenhouse – no lid – until Jan / Feb time then – 22 cm apart (flowering…
- About, Allotment, Annuals, Biennials, Bulbs, Corms, Flowers, life, Me, Month, Perennials, Planting, Seeds
September 2022
As Summer comes to an end and Autumn looms and September usually brings the feeling of new beginnings for me I am beginning to take stock of the year so far and look ahead at what I would like to achieve for next year. I didn’t really join in the Autumn seed sowing in 2021 – I just had way to much over whelm and I had just started a new job (turned out to be 2 new jobs as the 1st didn’t work out!). I didn’t stress I just decided that I didn’t need the pressure and that I would sow seeds in the spring time.
Mid July
It’s HOT very very HOT (uncharacteristically so for UK) and while I am actually doing fine in this heat – so are the weeds I might add… the flowers on the other hand – ummmmm not so good. A lot of them are just basically getting fried – I definitely need to remember to have a space set up and sorted out for if we get weather like this – somewhere shady where I can move any pots plants that are extremely venerable to being fried. So I am thinking next years planting and plants – So far I have sown some of my Biennial – a few more to…
July Sowing 1
Today I sowed my first Biennials for this year… Foxgloves, Echinacea, Verbascum Phoeniceum. I just sowed them up in a mix of compost and coir compost and in plastic fruit trays that I keep, the trays already have drainage holes in the bottom and I fill with the compost mix and water from underneath. I have put these 3 containers into the greenhouse and I will cover with a mesh to allow sunlight through but to stop the birds from eating seeds and then seedlings. Where I live at the moment we have a HUGE amount of wild birds and while this is absolutely fantastic and an honour that they…
Ideas For Planting Biennials 22
Pencilled in to my seed planting diary June 21st Summer Solstice – Biennials are sown usually end of June-ish and should flower the following year. I am going to try sowing these in the soil blockers and Lupins I just love Lupins and I have too many seeds already really but I am going to order more – what is they say to plant a seed is to believe in tomorrow… So I have PinkFairy Sunrise (these are annual so I will not sow these now but spring to flower in the summer) I am going to order and sow in June The Governor (Navy Blue) Mixture of all the…
Yet another flower I adore! This year (2022) is the first year I have grown them from seed and I am very impressed I have sown Lady Stratheden seeds from here. Also sown Blazing Sunset seeds from Chiltern Seeds . Many of the other variety seem particularly difficult to find seeds for – I have now found out that this is because some can only be propagated so I will need to invest in a few plants, or get some more plugs when they come back in stock – keep them healthy and then propagate like a crazy lady so I have plenty and also back ups for frost and…
Dahlia Order
All the pictures of Dahlias are ones that I ordered in a crazy mad shopping spree (retail therapy) – by the time I ordered them it was basically the end of ordering season so we will see how they are… the prices were just too good to walk click past and I went and bought too many for me really. Anyway scroll down to see what I ordered and I will hopefully photograph some of my own as and when they flower and see how they turn out. The above 2 photos are how the tubers arrived – some are smaller and some bigger… they all have an eye which…
Mid May Thoughts
I am playing catch up BIG TIME – I didn’t autumn sow this year/last year… 2021 because my Autumn sow 2020 left me feeling huge over whelm both while sowing and then in the spring when supposed to be ‘bumping up‘ most of the negative feelings came from the house move we had to do – it wasn’t my choice and really wasn’t a happy experience. So Autumn 2021 the decision was made not to autumn sow – I purchased seeds and basically got myself somewhat ready for an Amazing spring sow – with the idea of succession sowing – limited seeds / flowers not in numbers as in plant…
Autumn 2020 I bought a fair few bulbs – Tulips are one of my very very favourite flower I just adore all stages of them. It was the first year that I actually ordered any particular ones – previously I have bought bags from the garden centres and never really considered types or colours. 2020 I changed my mind and poured over the catalogues and order certain ones – you can see what I ordered and read about it here and also part 2. After disappointment and just generally feeling meh about growing them I decided this year (21-22) I would just see what happened to the ones that I…