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    September 2022

    As Summer comes to an end and Autumn looms and September usually brings the feeling of new beginnings for me I am beginning to take stock of the year so far and look ahead at what I would like to achieve for next year. I didn’t really join in the Autumn seed sowing in 2021 – I just had way to much over whelm and I had just started a new job (turned out to be 2 new jobs as the 1st didn’t work out!). I didn’t stress I just decided that I didn’t need the pressure and that I would sow seeds in the spring time.

  • Bulbs,  Planting

    Tulip Bulbs part 1

    I wanted to have tulips tulips galore – they are my favourite flower so although many people say they are not profitable if selling I bought these primarily to have in the garden and bring in TBH so I ordered lots (for me about 350) so not really to the amount many people buy – but by the result I’m so glad I didn’t order more -I am so sad and disappointed – I sat for hours choosing colours having never ordered bulk like that normally I would just go to local garden centres and pick up a few bags of what they have nothing special – and this year…