Birthday Rose
November is my birthday month- I have decided to try to start a new tradition since this gardening malarkey seems to be taking hold of my life 🙂 so this year I asked my children if they would buy me a bare root rose – I chose the one I wanted and where I wanted it from and even gave them a discount code that I had… (who knew that this time of year is IDEAL for ordering and planting bare root roses!) Rose – Roald Dahl Shrub Rose from David Austin It fits/ticks every box that I needed for a rose in a particular area. I also decided that…
Mistletoe Garland
This isn’t plant related really – At the moment I am loving my crochet – I am not sure I have actually finished anything I maybe have finished one gorgeous elephant as a gift (2019) its Bridget the Elephant – Toft yarn and Pattern – since I started Crochet about 11 years or more ago… The rest is pretty much still a work in progress… But I am now starting a Mistletoe Garland… pattern Loop London – some berries I am also going to do some holly leaves and hopefully some snowflakes… Another pattern that I have tried for Mistletoe leaves and berries are from Happy Berry Crochet
Cake Rhubarb
I love rhubarb – the colour the smell – we lived in a house a few years ago where they had the most ENORMOUSE and GORGEOUS rhubarb plant / bush? thing anyway – every year now I think oh maybe I’ll grow one – but they do take up a LOT of space… well I haven’t done it yet maybe one year… I followed this recipe I have to say it was seriously good – I did alter the topping bit as it was the wrong ratio for me – so I did 25g butter and 4tbsp flour – the rest I left as it was – but I also…
End April
April seems to have lots of posts of chat… I’m not sure that April is the month to tell yourself you are going to BOSS IT but hey I needed a bit of a shove, nudge, push and it felt right at the when I said it – Looking back I have not BOSSED it but the thought that I set that as my goal actually has helped – I have had many down days probably just as many as any other time – but I have kept telling myself, you said you were going to boss it so get bossing girl. Lessons – learnt or thought about Take things…
April Update
Ok its nearly the end of April 23/04/20 to be exact – I feel crappy – this gardening malarkey is making me crazy – I mean it is probably good for me as all I want to do is run run run far away from it – and I can’t! 🙁 – its so hot in the day (UK warm) everything is drying out and in need of water and and ATTENTION and and and… then its so bloody cold at night that everything is freezing freezing freezing – so watering is a nightmare – planting up seeds is a nightmare – this gardening is a nightmare… I am a…
Mid April
As the title suggests it is mid April already and today I don’t feel like I am BOSSING it (which is Aprils theme…) – for the uber observant you might see the dates are odd – I wrote this mid April but didn’t post until 23/04/21 – I feel deflated and just like I am going to fail… I know all that ‘fail’ crap like what is it about – I mean when my friends of family wobble I give them the medicine – don’t worry and don’t wobble you will be fine – hold on tight you will be fine. insert a page or 2 pics from charlies book…
Sweet Peas
I think I have a love hate relationship with these… I adore them but boy I personally don’t find them easy to grow… they need attention they are not something you can kind of just chuck in and let them get on with it – in my experience anyway. I am all for planting seeds – I love it – but these are very cheap to buy from your local garden centre / nursery if you just want a bucket – like seriously £2.00 for 10… – local supermarket probably does them in a cute bucket!!! – however if you want oooooddddles or if you want a specific variety or…
Bl**dy FREEZING… well maybe not… but cold!!! Very Cold – its making me kinda garden crazy – I want to get my stuff out out out – especially things like my sweet peas – but as we say in the Cricket World – kid you can’t change the weather… So we start the month actually taking as much advantage as possible from sunshine and warmth that we do get and trying to pot up somethings – I think my focus is actually going to have to be these sweet peas and planting the rest of my seeds. Below is direct from budtoseed website – I just keep re-reading it –…
Mid March update
So mid March – how’s it all going out there? I am trying not to get overwhelmed by what I have sown already and where I am going to put them all… I have decided (after much deliberation… and discussion and stress ) that I am going to grow most of my seeds babies up into pots – we decided that this actually is going to work much better for me this year giving me versatility. I will put some in the garden but just be putting them in rather than stressing about where they can go for cutting. Quick update (22/03/21) as to what I might autumn sow this…
March Hello
So, sow, sew… All together now – March is here – I always find the end the month and beginning of a new one a little strange and especially during this year of COVID (yes I know we all want out of this state we are in but for me just rushing the seasons / months / festivals doesn’t help) as I am a worrier and I want time to slow down not speed up and new months tend to make me stress as I see more the time is flying by- I know look forward but… hey we are who we are. As I said I am natural stresser…