Social Media
I have 3 social media accounts – twitter which I still have an account with but don’t remember the last time I went on it – facebook which I hardly ever go on, I mainly stay on it due to a few family members being on there who live downunder… – I really stopped going on it a few years back as I just found it a kinda rabbit hole and would spend way too much time floating around over there achieving nothing. I stayed on Instagram – I liked it – I have used IG since 2010 when I posted my first picture… I didn’t use it every day…
Pascal Mandarin Duck
I am rather embarrassed to say that I started Pascal as an EdsCAL in 2020 the start of lockdown for Covid19. (He is a Toft original pattern I did change a few of the colours as I didn’t have the same as in the pattern but I did use a 3mm hook and all toft DK yarn). It never really got finished ummmm BUT it is now finished and has gone to its new owner as an 18th Birthday Pressie. I am beginning to think I only finish them if I am giving as pressies – ummm and then they get left to the last minute and touch and go…
PINK I love you The colour pink – just about every shade of PINK -I have recently read a blog post where someone suffering from Cancer was saying they now no longer really love the colour as it is the official Breast Cancer colour and they felt that the femininity of the colour and all we generally associate with this colour is nothing like Cancer and how it made her feel. While I can hear where she is coming from and totally respect what she says – I hope that I don’t every feel like that about PINK – especially as at the moment it seems like everything I buy…
Ideas For Planting Biennials 22
Pencilled in to my seed planting diary June 21st Summer Solstice – Biennials are sown usually end of June-ish and should flower the following year. I am going to try sowing these in the soil blockers and Lupins I just love Lupins and I have too many seeds already really but I am going to order more – what is they say to plant a seed is to believe in tomorrow… So I have PinkFairy Sunrise (these are annual so I will not sow these now but spring to flower in the summer) I am going to order and sow in June The Governor (Navy Blue) Mixture of all the…
Dahlia Order
All the pictures of Dahlias are ones that I ordered in a crazy mad shopping spree (retail therapy) – by the time I ordered them it was basically the end of ordering season so we will see how they are… the prices were just too good to walk click past and I went and bought too many for me really. Anyway scroll down to see what I ordered and I will hopefully photograph some of my own as and when they flower and see how they turn out. The above 2 photos are how the tubers arrived – some are smaller and some bigger… they all have an eye which…
Mid May Thoughts
I am playing catch up BIG TIME – I didn’t autumn sow this year/last year… 2021 because my Autumn sow 2020 left me feeling huge over whelm both while sowing and then in the spring when supposed to be ‘bumping up‘ most of the negative feelings came from the house move we had to do – it wasn’t my choice and really wasn’t a happy experience. So Autumn 2021 the decision was made not to autumn sow – I purchased seeds and basically got myself somewhat ready for an Amazing spring sow – with the idea of succession sowing – limited seeds / flowers not in numbers as in plant…
March – mid
This is about the third post I have written for March – Its been a funny old month and every time I have written something – life has thrown a curve ball and not really made what I have written relevant… So… I am running very behind on all the Autumn and Early Spring grow alongs – the seeds are very few and far between… and of course this year with the allotment I have a ton of space to put everyting… WHY AM I BEHIND… This mainly runs to my health – I was diagnosed in Feb with Low Thyroid (I will write about this in a separate section…
Feeling Stacked Against
Sometimes you just feel like the odds are stacked against you – feeling a little like this tonight… Health a little bit wobbly… Weather – bloody dreadful – gales / storms / torrential rain and it just seems to keep going… I am super fortunate – my health issues are being sorted and not that scary… The weather will pass – so many people have lost so much – its difficult to comprehend how it must feel… But it is easy I think to sometimes ‘oh pull it together your life is cushy – you are lucky’ (I am not really a believer in luck like that – I think…
General Jan 2022
My seed sowing list is coming together nicely for this coming year – I feel a lot less overwhelmed and way more in control and confident – not that my haul will be better or anything like that but – I have learnt so much over the last 12 months – mainly just relax enjoy what you do I mean this sounds so obvious doesn’t it especially when its a hobby!!! But I don’t think lots of us really do. So here are a list so far of the seeds etc… I want to sow 2022 – I am sure it will change over time – well it already has…
NYE 2021
Well it is the end day of 2021 and the Eve of a new year 2022! (funny that 2021 is followed by 2022 – eye roll). Its warm wet and grey – ideal for a spot of gardening – if only the sun would poke out for a wee while i would be enticed to venture outside – anyways I am going to plant out some seed – a few sweet peas going – SCF mix a few Cerinthe and a tray of cornflowers. I said NO NO NO to doing seeds in Jan due to light conditions but hey I never before listened to my own advice so… ummmm…