
  • life,  Me

    Mid Feb…

    So to keep the momentum going a little – only a few days since I posted so not a lot to say or share but I feel like writing so write I will… Tomorrow I go on my first promise for new year resolutions of courses on things I want to get better at or have a go at or just fancy… Its Rose Pruning with experts from David Austin down at Burford Garden Co oh this place is a haven I adore – I am so excited and also rather nervous THB I am not sure why I am nervous as I have nothing to be nervous about really…

  • About,  life,  Me

    A late new year…

    This is the first post of 2024 and its mid feb!!! I have kinda been writing posts in draft for a long long time and they aren’t getting finished or posted… Life is once again topsy turvey at the moment and I just don’t have a rhythm… I have been realising of late that I do so need a rhythm in my life – well it would make my life so much more how I would like it at the moment – there was a time when the thought of routine and same-ness filled me with dread and was nothing that I would wish for… contrary as I am this…

  • About,  life,  Me,  Month,  October

    Blogtober 2023 : Day 7

    I am not keeping up with blogging every day – I almost feel good that I am not as really I obviously didn’t or couldn’t… I have achieved a lot this week and want to document it so I know that although I didn’t always show up as I should still I did show up for some of it… Mums Umbrella – down and packed away… done Car booked MOT -done Dentist booked – done Things off a shopping list – like loo rolls and foil and the likes… Storage paid – sounds mad but the amount of months I don’t paid and add to the IOU and then have…

  • About,  life,  Me,  Uncategorized

    Blogtober 2023 :Day 1

    Well in all honesty its Day 2 but I have just decided to join in so this will be my Day 1 which I will back publish and then attempt to do a post every day – Ususally September is my month for feeling like starting fresh and all that but some how this september it just didn’t- could be i no longer have school age children and the beginning of september always started with a new school year and all that freshness so a month later this year… So far I have started a daily planner and goals – really I want to start journaling seriously and have been…

  • About,  Crochet,  life,  Me

    Crochet Circles

    Its been a long time… – so jump right back in… Its a Janie Crow design she did a blanket and shawl – Magic Circles – I am not sure what I am going to make yet… will it ever be anything – past history would indicate it becomes nothing except circles unfinished – but actually is that so bad if the making of each piece or part is a something for me – I feel I am putting to much pressure to be this thing that people expect or want – so I am just making the circles at the moment – oh don’t get me wrong I have…

  • life,  Me

    March End…

    So the end of another month – to be honest Jan seemed so very very slow and now in stark contrast Feb and March have just flown past way way to quickly for my liking… what to do – nothing but go with it and try to learn from it and make the next few months go past at a more likeable pace. I have jumped up over the last few weeks and said hey you get a grip so I have started to think about my garden and tidying it up somewhat (its a real disaster – like the kind of disaster that when people show you their ‘real’…

  • About,  life,  Me

    End Dec ’22

    So the round up of 2022 – I sit here pondering what I feel I have achieved and what I have not achieved… it is so easy to just focus on the negative of what we didn’t do – but I am going to follow the positive culture and look at the positives to come out of even some of the disappointing times. I don’t do new year resolutions but I do a kind of wish list of things I hope and want to achieve… goals and dreams – new and re-newed things I have never tried before and things I have started but have gone untouched for such a…

  • About,  Allotment,  Annuals,  Biennials,  Bulbs,  Corms,  Flowers,  life,  Me,  Month,  Perennials,  Planting,  Seeds

    September 2022

    As Summer comes to an end and Autumn looms and September usually brings the feeling of new beginnings for me I am beginning to take stock of the year so far and look ahead at what I would like to achieve for next year. I didn’t really join in the Autumn seed sowing in 2021 – I just had way to much over whelm and I had just started a new job (turned out to be 2 new jobs as the 1st didn’t work out!). I didn’t stress I just decided that I didn’t need the pressure and that I would sow seeds in the spring time.

  • About,  life,  Me

    Social Media

    I have 3 social media accounts – twitter which I still have an account with but don’t remember the last time I went on it – facebook which I hardly ever go on, I mainly stay on it due to a few family members being on there who live downunder… – I really stopped going on it a few years back as I just found it a kinda rabbit hole and would spend way too much time floating around over there achieving nothing. I stayed on Instagram – I liked it – I have used IG since 2010 when I posted my first picture… I didn’t use it every day…

  • About,  Crochet,  life,  Me

    Pascal Mandarin Duck

    I am rather embarrassed to say that I started Pascal as an EdsCAL in 2020 the start of lockdown for Covid19. (He is a Toft original pattern I did change a few of the colours as I didn’t have the same as in the pattern but I did use a 3mm hook and all toft DK yarn). It never really got finished ummmm BUT it is now finished and has gone to its new owner as an 18th Birthday Pressie. I am beginning to think I only finish them if I am giving as pressies – ummm and then they get left to the last minute and touch and go…