September update
Well the end of September is coming crashing in – on a personal level September has been an odd month – yes another odd month, it seems to be a recurring theme this year, hopefully it will be the last odd month and Oct /Nov /Dec will be lovely relaxing and a fun run up to Christmas and then the new year. To be honest I hate the fact people are talking about Christmas already and the shops are getting items in – but it is what it is. I haven’t done as much seed sowing as I wished – but I have started off some Sweet Peas – I…
- About, Allotment, Annuals, Biennials, Bulbs, Corms, Flowers, life, Me, Month, Perennials, Planting, Seeds
September 2022
As Summer comes to an end and Autumn looms and September usually brings the feeling of new beginnings for me I am beginning to take stock of the year so far and look ahead at what I would like to achieve for next year. I didn’t really join in the Autumn seed sowing in 2021 – I just had way to much over whelm and I had just started a new job (turned out to be 2 new jobs as the 1st didn’t work out!). I didn’t stress I just decided that I didn’t need the pressure and that I would sow seeds in the spring time.
Mid July
It’s HOT very very HOT (uncharacteristically so for UK) and while I am actually doing fine in this heat – so are the weeds I might add… the flowers on the other hand – ummmmm not so good. A lot of them are just basically getting fried – I definitely need to remember to have a space set up and sorted out for if we get weather like this – somewhere shady where I can move any pots plants that are extremely venerable to being fried. So I am thinking next years planting and plants – So far I have sown some of my Biennial – a few more to…
Ideas For Planting Biennials 22
Pencilled in to my seed planting diary June 21st Summer Solstice – Biennials are sown usually end of June-ish and should flower the following year. I am going to try sowing these in the soil blockers and Lupins I just love Lupins and I have too many seeds already really but I am going to order more – what is they say to plant a seed is to believe in tomorrow… So I have PinkFairy Sunrise (these are annual so I will not sow these now but spring to flower in the summer) I am going to order and sow in June The Governor (Navy Blue) Mixture of all the…
Allotment Update
So as the weather warms up I feel like I can finally spend more time down at the allotment – its not that you can’t go in the cold! HA or wet! HA its just that I really really can’t do cold mainly – wet is ok if its warm (doesn’t happen really in the UK, warm rain… ummm). In the bed below I have nigella and delphiniums Here I have Carnations and statice white in the small cell tray and then apricot in the round pots. The beds are wooden sided – made from dismantled pallets – they are 1m wide by 2m long the base is cardboard in…
Mid May Thoughts
I am playing catch up BIG TIME – I didn’t autumn sow this year/last year… 2021 because my Autumn sow 2020 left me feeling huge over whelm both while sowing and then in the spring when supposed to be ‘bumping up‘ most of the negative feelings came from the house move we had to do – it wasn’t my choice and really wasn’t a happy experience. So Autumn 2021 the decision was made not to autumn sow – I purchased seeds and basically got myself somewhat ready for an Amazing spring sow – with the idea of succession sowing – limited seeds / flowers not in numbers as in plant…
Actually it appears that this is maybe the first post about the allotment… – I think I need to go back over some posts and see if and what I have mentioned about it before. I am back dating this in the timeline of the blog so it fits better (but I am actually writing it end of May! Opps) But to start… It is very slow but I love it and it is shaping up just the way I want it 🙂 x I have had a few wobbles – not all but a vast majority grow veg and I am using it as a flower space. Initially it…