• About,  Flowers,  life,  Me,  Month,  Planting,  Seeds

    March – mid

    This is about the third post I have written for March – Its been a funny old month and every time I have written something – life has thrown a curve ball and not really made what I have written relevant… So… I am running very behind on all the Autumn and Early Spring grow alongs – the seeds are very few and far between… and of course this year with the allotment I have a ton of space to put everyting… WHY AM I BEHIND… This mainly runs to my health – I was diagnosed in Feb with Low Thyroid (I will write about this in a separate section…

  • Uncategorized


    I try to do a month to come and a mini round up of each month – I rarely succeed 🙁 I have actually started the March one but its not very flower based – so for the moment it sits in the draft box… At the moment I feel the whizzing by of the days / weeks and months stresses me somewhat everything seems to go by so quickly… everyone seems in such a rush for the next something rather than enjoying the moment – so although i am trying to resist the rush and hey look how great I am at juggling my f*ing balls – and then…

  • About,  Allotment,  Flowers,  life,  Planting


    Actually it appears that this is maybe the first post about the allotment… – I think I need to go back over some posts and see if and what I have mentioned about it before. I am back dating this in the timeline of the blog so it fits better (but I am actually writing it end of May! Opps) But to start… It is very slow but I love it and it is shaping up just the way I want it 🙂 x I have had a few wobbles – not all but a vast majority grow veg and I am using it as a flower space. Initially it…

  • About,  life,  Me,  Planting,  Uncategorized

    Feeling Stacked Against

    Sometimes you just feel like the odds are stacked against you – feeling a little like this tonight… Health a little bit wobbly… Weather – bloody dreadful – gales / storms / torrential rain and it just seems to keep going… I am super fortunate – my health issues are being sorted and not that scary… The weather will pass – so many people have lost so much – its difficult to comprehend how it must feel… But it is easy I think to sometimes ‘oh pull it together your life is cushy – you are lucky’ (I am not really a believer in luck like that – I think…

  • Flowers,  Planting,  Seeds

    Sown Seeds Feb ’22

    I have started to sow my Spring-Grow-A-Long inspired and encouraged 100% by Zoe and Neil from Swan Cottage Flowers and friends on Instagram. Today (16/02/22 ) I have sown:- 60 Carnations – Chabaud ‘La France’ I have sown them in Coir pellets and I have a couple of these trays (I originally bought them preloaded with the pellets) the pellets just slot in and then I water them so they swell up. This tray holds 60 pellets total. 40 Statice – Apricot sown in seed trays – I have sown these in 40 cell trays with compost mixed with perlite. 40 Statice – White sown in seed trays – I…

  • Planting,  Seeds


    Feb 10/02/22 16 seeds planted Cobaea… So here they go, I have soaked my Cobaea seeds for about 2hrs (you don’t have to – you can just sow). I sow my Cobaea seeds side ways up so that the flat parts dont sit in water.

  • About,  life,  Me,  Planting

    General Jan 2022

    My seed sowing list is coming together nicely for this coming year – I feel a lot less overwhelmed and way more in control and confident – not that my haul will be better or anything like that but – I have learnt so much over the last 12 months – mainly just relax enjoy what you do I mean this sounds so obvious doesn’t it especially when its a hobby!!! But I don’t think lots of us really do. So here are a list so far of the seeds etc… I want to sow 2022 – I am sure it will change over time – well it already has…

  • Flowers,  life,  Planting,  Seeds

    January Sweet Pea Sowing 2022

    Sweet Peas Yes again! So every year I say NO I am crap at growing Sweet peas and every year I cant resist in sowing them -they have this hold over me… I have ordered Swan Cottage Flower Mix – that was all I was going to grow but… now I am wondering if to add a few more… ummmmm since I draft wrote this and posted it – I have ordered from Roger Parsons… if you look at my Sweet Peas post from 2021 I have more information on there… I am also closely following @thesweetpeaman on Instagram for thought and advice on how he grows his. (There is…

  • About,  Flowers,  Life,  life,  Me,  Seeds

    NYE 2021

    Well it is the end day of 2021 and the Eve of a new year 2022! (funny that 2021 is followed by 2022 – eye roll). Its warm wet and grey – ideal for a spot of gardening – if only the sun would poke out for a wee while i would be enticed to venture outside – anyways I am going to plant out some seed – a few sweet peas going – SCF mix a few Cerinthe and a tray of cornflowers. I said NO NO NO to doing seeds in Jan due to light conditions but hey I never before listened to my own advice so… ummmm…

  • Flowers,  Planting,  Seeds

    Seeds For 2022

    Its the 27 / 28 Dec (as I am writing this) the weather is a bit a lot MEH – BUT I have had a totally gorgeous Christmas Day and Boxing day and now I am just chilling and being very Sloth like and loving every minute of it – so encouraged to think about looking at my seeds for growing this coming year. I have a lot of seeds left over and I want to use them up… So I have tried to separate them into piles / sections of Defo Growers and then left over seeds that I am giving another chance to for various reasons. I am…