• About,  life,  Me

    End Dec ’22

    So the round up of 2022 – I sit here pondering what I feel I have achieved and what I have not achieved… it is so easy to just focus on the negative of what we didn’t do – but I am going to follow the positive culture and look at the positives to come out of even some of the disappointing times. I don’t do new year resolutions but I do a kind of wish list of things I hope and want to achieve… goals and dreams – new and re-newed things I have never tried before and things I have started but have gone untouched for such a…

  • About,  Me

    It’s October

    Pinch and a punch for the 1st of the month… September is usually my month for grabbing by the horns – it feels like a fresh start and all that – this year it just didn’t happen – various reasons (kid starting Uni, big birthday milestone for other child – and various other things). So October you had better step up! It happens that it is Ranunculus sale over at Zoes so I am starting with ‘speculate to accumulate’ and have ordered 4 different colours of Ranucs – I have left overs here that I need to get sorted out and see how we go with those. NTS – I…

  • About,  Allotment,  Annuals,  Bulbs,  Life,  Planting,  Seeds

    September update

    Well the end of September is coming crashing in – on a personal level September has been an odd month – yes another odd month, it seems to be a recurring theme this year, hopefully it will be the last odd month and Oct /Nov /Dec will be lovely relaxing and a fun run up to Christmas and then the new year. To be honest I hate the fact people are talking about Christmas already and the shops are getting items in – but it is what it is. I haven’t done as much seed sowing as I wished – but I have started off some Sweet Peas – I…

  • About,  Annuals,  Flowers,  Planting,  Seeds

    Autumn Jump Starter ’22

    I have catalogued my seeds that I already have – I have invested in the new jump starter Zoe Woodward Gardening and I am now going to make the decision on what to sow this autumn, how many and aim to keep them alive until such time as to plant them out next spring. I need to think and plan how many seeds to sow and think about where I am going plant them up. Ammi Majus Cerinthe CornFlowers Nigella Orlaya Snapdragons Sweet Peas Sweet Rocket – sow early in September – in the greenhouse – no lid – until Jan / Feb time then – 22 cm apart (flowering…

  • About,  Allotment,  Annuals,  Biennials,  Bulbs,  Corms,  Flowers,  life,  Me,  Month,  Perennials,  Planting,  Seeds

    September 2022

    As Summer comes to an end and Autumn looms and September usually brings the feeling of new beginnings for me I am beginning to take stock of the year so far and look ahead at what I would like to achieve for next year. I didn’t really join in the Autumn seed sowing in 2021 – I just had way to much over whelm and I had just started a new job (turned out to be 2 new jobs as the 1st didn’t work out!). I didn’t stress I just decided that I didn’t need the pressure and that I would sow seeds in the spring time.

  • About,  life,  Me

    Social Media

    I have 3 social media accounts – twitter which I still have an account with but don’t remember the last time I went on it – facebook which I hardly ever go on, I mainly stay on it due to a few family members being on there who live downunder… – I really stopped going on it a few years back as I just found it a kinda rabbit hole and would spend way too much time floating around over there achieving nothing. I stayed on Instagram – I liked it – I have used IG since 2010 when I posted my first picture… I didn’t use it every day…

  • About,  Crochet,  life,  Me

    Pascal Mandarin Duck

    I am rather embarrassed to say that I started Pascal as an EdsCAL in 2020 the start of lockdown for Covid19. (He is a Toft original pattern I did change a few of the colours as I didn’t have the same as in the pattern but I did use a 3mm hook and all toft DK yarn). It never really got finished ummmm BUT it is now finished and has gone to its new owner as an 18th Birthday Pressie. I am beginning to think I only finish them if I am giving as pressies – ummm and then they get left to the last minute and touch and go…

  • Allotment,  Flowers,  July,  Life

    Mid July

    It’s HOT very very HOT (uncharacteristically so for UK) and while I am actually doing fine in this heat – so are the weeds I might add… the flowers on the other hand – ummmmm not so good. A lot of them are just basically getting fried – I definitely need to remember to have a space set up and sorted out for if we get weather like this – somewhere shady where I can move any pots plants that are extremely venerable to being fried. So I am thinking next years planting and plants – So far I have sown some of my Biennial – a few more to…

  • About,  life,  Me,  Uncategorized


    PINK I love you The colour pink – just about every shade of PINK -I have recently read a blog post where someone suffering from Cancer was saying they now no longer really love the colour as it is the official Breast Cancer colour and they felt that the femininity of the colour and all we generally associate with this colour is nothing like Cancer and how it made her feel. While I can hear where she is coming from and totally respect what she says – I hope that I don’t every feel like that about PINK – especially as at the moment it seems like everything I buy…

  • Biennials,  Flowers,  July,  Seeds

    July Sowing 1

    Today I sowed my first Biennials for this year… Foxgloves, Echinacea, Verbascum Phoeniceum. I just sowed them up in a mix of compost and coir compost and in plastic fruit trays that I keep, the trays already have drainage holes in the bottom and I fill with the compost mix and water from underneath. I have put these 3 containers into the greenhouse and I will cover with a mesh to allow sunlight through but to stop the birds from eating seeds and then seedlings. Where I live at the moment we have a HUGE amount of wild birds and while this is absolutely fantastic and an honour that they…