life,  Me

Mid Feb…

So to keep the momentum going a little – only a few days since I posted so not a lot to say or share but I feel like writing so write I will…

Tomorrow I go on my first promise for new year resolutions of courses on things I want to get better at or have a go at or just fancy…

Its Rose Pruning with experts from David Austin down at Burford Garden Co oh this place is a haven I adore – I am so excited and also rather nervous THB I am not sure why I am nervous as I have nothing to be nervous about really but I am… I will be sure to do a write up about it but lets be honest for £40 you get expert advice and presentation, some hands on time pruning roses and a rose from the DA collection to take home – oh and did I forget to mention coffee / tea and cake! as they say well it would be rude not to…

I am not going to lie if I lived closer I would apply for every job under the sun there until I got one – I may even offer to just work for free! there is just something dreamy about it…

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