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Crochet Circles

Its been a long time… – so jump right back in…

crochet circle inprogress
Crochet Circle in Progress

Its a Janie Crow design she did a blanket and shawl – Magic Circles – I am not sure what I am going to make yet… will it ever be anything – past history would indicate it becomes nothing except circles unfinished – but actually is that so bad if the making of each piece or part is a something for me – I feel I am putting to much pressure to be this thing that people expect or want – so I am just making the circles at the moment – oh don’t get me wrong I have a huge ambitious idea that i can pull this off and it will be INCREADIBLE and hey maybe it will there is absolutely no reason it won’t or can’t be – but the difference is is doesn’t matter I must not let that cloud or prevent or whatever me just doing what I feel like at the moment with this crochet and yarn I have…

10/08 – My desk isn’t big enough!

So making squares / circles / parts can be in any available yarn and weight – but I think I need to have the joining yarn all the same… to bring it together

– this idea I love

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