About Me
So 2020 I started to plant and grow seedlings – I got very excited and I so desperately wanted a greenhouse – lockdown madness hit!!! – I couldn’t justify the cost of a ‘real’ greenhouse (EG glass) as we were in rented and moving it was never going to be something that was going to happen… but I knew I wanted something – so after a lot of searching – everyone was going crazy in lockdown and stocks of things were low to none existent… I enlisted the help of my ‘better’ half ( you have to keep them sweet so they keep helping!) and his seriously and I do mean seriously excellent online searching ability I got myself a zippy – aka plastic greenhousethingy and away I went… I had a mad idea of maybe doing a sell from my garden gate (the fact I didn’t really have a garden gate wasn’t the point) the idea of selling was really to be able to justify the cost of all the masses of seeds and plants I was tempted to and buying! GAH
I yo-yo’ed between I can SO do this and a serious case of WTF was I thinking and WTF am I doing…
This blog is for myself to document and keep a record /diary of my journey as a plant lady / seed baby mum.
There are so so so many resources out there… (if possible I think even more since COVID struck 2020) I would just like to say anything I mention on here isn’t an AD in any way it is just my findings or thoughts.
I will generally keep images to mine that I take – if I copy an image I will do my upmost to mention where the image is from – if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to drop me a message.