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A late new year…

This is the first post of 2024 and its mid feb!!! I have kinda been writing posts in draft for a long long time and they aren’t getting finished or posted… Life is once again topsy turvey at the moment and I just don’t have a rhythm… I have been realising of late that I do so need a rhythm in my life – well it would make my life so much more how I would like it at the moment – there was a time when the thought of routine and same-ness filled me with dread and was nothing that I would wish for… contrary as I am this was when routine was what I had most of – BUT now I lust after and for that steady beat of sameness…

I will have to lust and wish for a while longer…

We are deep in the middle of ANOTHER MOVE… Jesus my life my life – we have been to the tip more times than I wish to remember and piles of stuff for the charity shop just keeps on coming… I am by my nature a hoarder… I have lots of reasons why – him in doors calls them excuses and ridiculous – but in a fun way and I am not offended by his lack of understanding 🙂 ha ha… also I have evidence of many many boxes of his stuff that is just quietly packed away and not mentioned… I may write another post on this…

Also once again I find myself annoyed, irritated and honestly disgusted with social media… I so much more prefer to read blog posts – hence my writing this and I might give that up social media – AGAIN…

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