

I try to do a month to come and a mini round up of each month – I rarely succeed 🙁 I have actually started the March one but its not very flower based – so for the moment it sits in the draft box…

At the moment I feel the whizzing by of the days / weeks and months stresses me somewhat everything seems to go by so quickly… everyone seems in such a rush for the next something rather than enjoying the moment – so although i am trying to resist the rush and hey look how great I am at juggling my f*ing balls – and then doing a ‘reality’ speech – I am going for a different look of just ambling along – some of this is being inflicted on me due to a medical condition I am coming to terms with and can’t physically move / do at much more than an amble and some of it is due to the sheer annoyance of everyone being in such a rush and hurry for everything.

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