Planting,  Seeds


This has to be one of my top favourite flowers (but then actually I do have rather a lot of fav. flowers!)

Growing from seed – this is my first year trying 2021 – well I did sow some seeds in an Autumn sow 2020 – for various reasons they didn’t / haven’t done well… – I drowned one tray in the water – I dropped one tray and… although I do have a few that have come on and they look like this,

growing larkspur -
Growing Larkspur

So I am doing round… god knows what in hope that some will maybe germinate and come through for me to enjoy this summer…

Mr Fothergills these ones are Giant Imperial Mixed bought I think end of last year (2020) my Mr F seeds that I have are all picked up from my local Homebase while I am there (not supposed to be buying seeds!!! but somehow a packet or 2 seem to end up in my trolley…So I have 300 seeds (average) in a pack and it says they were £2.40 so I have plenty to “play” with.

If they germinate I will hopefully grow some in pots I’m aiming for 10lit pots –

I will also try pinching out and may take cuttings… ummmm…

I am just planting up these – Elatum Delphinium mixed

I have 9 of these seeds left (I don’t know what happened to the others I don’t ever remember planting them… but I do remember buying these seeds from a RHS Chatsworth show that I went to in 2018 – from Home Farm Plants I have followed the link to The Delphinium Society and then how to grow from seed – they recommend putting under foil for 5 – 7 days – lets see what happens…

random blue sky to make me smile
Random image of blue shy to make me smile


Ideal to sow successionally – 11- 13 weeks (about 3 months – so say you plant in end of feb / beginning of march then again beginning of April and maybe mid end of April – you would be looking hopefully for flowers around beginning of june they would then flower until to produce first flower from early spring sowing – and will flower for about 6 weeks after – so mid july – –

Larkspur – Autumn sow and Spring sow start end of feb beginning of march – looks like I planted autumn ones early mid October 10/10/2020 – I would be careful not to plant to early in the beginning of the year as just not worth it due to light levels etc… if abundance of seed could try mid late feb if desperate but I think worth getting ready and all systems go at the end of feb beginning of march

Think about amount – colours

These can be very tricky to germinate seeds need to go into fridge / freezer cold stratification

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