General Jan 2022
My seed sowing list is coming together nicely for this coming year – I feel a lot less overwhelmed and way more in control and confident – not that my haul will be better or anything like that but – I have learnt so much over the last 12 months – mainly just relax
enjoy what you do
I mean this sounds so obvious doesn’t it especially when its a hobby!!! But I don’t think lots of us really do.
So here are a list so far of the seeds etc… I want to sow 2022 – I am sure it will change over time – well it already has as I have ordered more sweet peas and I am about to order more from Chiltern as a dear dear friend has requested if I can grow her some flowers to dry for a flower installation for her new shop (very exciting) so I have added to that order as well… AND its the famous Swan Cottage Flowers Spring sow-a-long seed sale…
I had a wobbly few days where everyone had gone back to work and school and lost my path – not massive but enough to give me a shake – to question what I was doing -I started to panic and want to run and grab at straws…
I am and have been questioning social media for a while now but I think I am going to ditch it – I just don’t see the advantage really of it building the kind of business that I want to have – I mean I would / will probably still post stuff like what you could order – open times – new in – how to videos – any promos but that is about it – I am following lots of flower people and it is lovely but I can let it get out of hand for me TBH – and I get lost in the crazyness of it – and then not enjoying it. I am going to monitor it and see
Also – it appears everyone who swaggers about how busy they are and doesn’t know how they fit it all in blah blah seems to give the impression they are therefore really important – I mean we are all busy or not busy doing whatever – your busy or my busy or not busy doesn’t make you more or less important – do your thing – share it totally but please stop with the ‘poor me’ I am busy. Sorry that was getting – heading down a ranty rabbit hole…
So we can’t end a post on a ranty rabbit hole… hummm maybe we will have to – I don’t have anything else to say – except I am off to revise my seed baskets!