Flowers,  Planting,  Seeds

Larkspur Part II

If you read part 1 you will know that I adore these plants!!! I just keep ordering more and more seeds… so I planted some out this autumn we will see – in disgust at myself for not actually planting enough for my want… I then decided to literally throw some onto wet kitchen roll and put in lock bags ( I have an assortment that I use time and time again for seeds etc…) – I then promptly forgot about them – they are now rescued and what is sort of growing have been transferred into soil / seed compost and are on my ICU shelf of seeds and we will see… I cant say i am too hopeful I think they may suffer from lack of light and or damping off…

BUT – shhhhh I have still have a lot of seeds so going to do bumper spring sow… and I will also succession sow – 2 per 10ltr pot and FEED!!!

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