The Ball
I think we can safely say the saying of the month is… I am not going to lie! its become a joke – I’m not gonna lie…
So the balls – yep I dropped them all – a while ago they started to wobble and now they have well and truly smashed – crashed and are out of control – beautiful seedlings that I nurtured and looked so GOOD are dead – why… well due to lots of things but mainly neglect – inexperience – over zealous… nature – whatever.
So how are we moving forward from it / with it? Well…
Not Gonna Lie…
I was wallowing (and I am sure more wallowing is going to follow still) – But accepting that I dropped them all and smashed a load – I am collecting the balls up and putting them in a basket the smashed ones are all getting cleared away and thrown out.
My growing space is nothing like I had imagined or thought but you know what its kinda me – messy – all over the place – I don’t have to be prescribed to be successful – we get I get this notion that we I have to be “perfect” to be successful (I am still unsure of what successful is… IDK? and perfect – don’t get me started).
A lady walked past my front patch the other evening and was like you really take care of this and I love it… (I have spoken to her before). We chatted a while and I was sort of pathetic about it – the front garden bit I mean – bloody hell there are so many weeds in there – but she loved it and said how much she loves walking past and seeing it – I have done a kinda – very tiny like VERY tiny – installation – we have a tree – I don’t like the variety but we are just renting and its there I can’t really move it. Anyways I digress – I have hung some salad dressing bottles from it and placed flowers in them – they are like totally getting the vote – people love them – I think they are like marmite – you love them or you hate them… but the comments I am getting are like wow I / WE LOVE THEM – maybe I just need to trust my instincts a little more… – I think that I am going to make some tags that can go around the jars with what are in them (flower / plant) so that people could pick the tag off and grow their own…)
Another little story about the bottles – a family walked by and the daughter I would say around 8yrs said to her parents “oh look at these – I love this – its recycling and the bees love the flowers” – her mother didn’t hear her… and her father just sort of looked at her as if she had gone stark raving bonkers liking a few glass bottles hanging on a tree – she wasn’t upset she went skipping along