Bulbs,  Planting

Tulip Bulbs part 1

I wanted to have tulips tulips galore – they are my favourite flower so although many people say they are not profitable if selling I bought these primarily to have in the garden and bring in TBH so I ordered lots (for me about 350) so not really to the amount many people buy – but by the result I’m so glad I didn’t order more -I am so sad and disappointed – I sat for hours choosing colours having never ordered bulk like that normally I would just go to local garden centres and pick up a few bags of what they have nothing special – and this year I did that a little too as I struggle to walk past them – from local garden centres (about 50)…

I am so very disappointed -in them all – I thought at first well maybe its the fact that I didn’t plant them early enough but yeah some maybe but not all of them… then everyone said its lack of rain… water? I mean like…

While writing this up I have looked back at my order… at the moment I want my money back – seriously VERY disappointing –

Thoughts on the whole thing next year… try some different places to order from? make sure I am ready to plant when they arrive and plant straight up find somewhere that actually sells bulbs that I can go and pick the ones I want making sure I only get the best bulbs they have?

Or just save my money and buy a few bunches to bring into the house? If I am honest I am more and more leaning this way…

So I ordered…

  • Cafe Noir
  • Angelique
  • Apricot Impression
  • Cairo
  • Don Quichott
  • Menton
  • Elegant Lady
  • Sunny Prince – these have actually flowered only ones so far but they look nothing like the picture…

So as I say not sure if it is the weather or lack of water… but not inspired for next year.

I will be honest it does feel a little like if you are going to be featured or big somewhere you are likely to get the best bulbs – if you are nothing… or just an average grower – guess it makes sense but meh.

I have tulip update in Tulip Update part 2

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