life,  Me,  Planting

End April

April seems to have lots of posts of chat… I’m not sure that April is the month to tell yourself you are going to BOSS IT but hey I needed a bit of a shove, nudge, push and it felt right at the when I said it – Looking back I have not BOSSED it but the thought that I set that as my goal actually has helped – I have had many down days probably just as many as any other time – but I have kept telling myself, you said you were going to boss it so get bossing girl.

Lessons – learnt or thought about

  • Take things at your own pace – yes research and learn no problems but take things / do things at my pace and ENJOY what I am doing – don’t get swept away in hype of what others are doing or not…

On to May – I think the moto / phrase for May is going to BE BRAVE

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