Flowers,  life,  Me,  Planting

April Update

Ok its nearly the end of April 23/04/20 to be exact – I feel crappy – this gardening malarkey is making me crazy – I mean it is probably good for me as all I want to do is run run run far away from it – and I can’t! 🙁 – its so hot in the day (UK warm) everything is drying out and in need of water and and ATTENTION and and and… then its so bloody cold at night that everything is freezing freezing freezing – so watering is a nightmare – planting up seeds is a nightmare – this gardening is a nightmare…

I am a little paralysed with what I am doing… this is my fault – I am not sure why I have watched so many peoples videos and how too – I now am dithering over what todo and whose advise to follow… I feel sad that maybe like so many other social media sites that I have followed over the years I may have to give this one up as well as I fall into the rabbit hole of loosing hours of my time watching and searching – I am officially EXHAUSTED by it all – pinch it out – don’t pinch it out – pinch it now – pinch it later – its too late to sow… oh I am sowing mine… – ENOUGH –

NTS – from now on follow what you think is right in your gut and from Late Summer – Autumn make a plan and stick to it from lessons learnt this year. (fingers crossed that we only have to move if I chose to and not for any other reason!)

Think about what to plant / sow in autumn – be selective – think about conditions space what the plan is – how many plants you want or need.

Lupins – split divide in spring – over winter

Cerinthe – over winter – or seriously autumn sow – I don’t think if you spring sow you could / would have enough for cut flowers that year – I will see…

Cornflowers -some but only enough for me to get started ( watch how many you tend to get off a plant…) then the rest in spring


Definite NO – Nigella – Cosmos – Borage – Scabious –

Sweet peas – I would – and again in spring

BULBS – remember to get everything ready and waiting before the bulbs arrive… order and get planted in when they arrive

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