Planting,  Seeds


So round 2… I planted my original scabious in the Autumn… in my experience not a good plan… they all died and it was fairly tragic – they germinated great rate – one day they were doing so well – then just meh – all dead – So will see how I go with these…I’ve just sown 12 – 2 per pot these are Johnsons seeds (I think they jumped literally into the shopping trolley while doing the food shopping the other day… Ummm funny that) – They were £2 and approx 50 seeds – I am hoping to succession sow – loads of tutorials out there with advise I am following @swancottageflowers (just a side note I have lots of their seeds but didn’t order these at any time from them) go follow her and her stories in highlights and she will hold your hand and expertly guide you.

General Information

  • 20 – 50 blooms per plant
  • get up to a foot in diameter
  • Good drainage soil
  • Full sun
  • Think of doing Chelsea chop (mid summer) to encourage regrowth for autumn…
  • dont like wet bottom – best to sow in spring
  • Ideal to sow with cornflowers
  • Impression and put – drop the seed into – they don’t need to be in the dark so can dusting of compost later – but cover over later then nicely tucked in when start to grow

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