

I haven’t sown these I would like to – my plan was to go to a lavender farm and see what they were growing and selling and hopefully get some great tips… and pick up some actual plants… GUESS what… COVID so last year 2020 I picked up a few potted ones from my local garden nursery.

I follow @anya_thegarden_fairy (go follow her! 🙂 ) on Instagram she does great tutorials and one was propagating lavender – so I am going follow her advise and try this this year – Spring is the best / recommended for cuttings – not in the shade – sunny areas – they are happy with ‘crappy’ soil!? (my words) add grit.

They need harsh pruning end of August beginning of September – after flowering.

So we will see how I get on with this…

First post – 15/03/21 –

I will keep updating so as to keep progress

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