March End…
So the end of another month – to be honest Jan seemed so very very slow and now in stark contrast Feb and March have just flown past way way to quickly for my liking… what to do – nothing but go with it and try to learn from it and make the next few months go past at a more likeable pace.
I have jumped up over the last few weeks and said hey you get a grip so I have started to think about my garden and tidying it up somewhat (its a real disaster – like the kind of disaster that when people show you their ‘real’ section on the likes of insta and say oh just for the… look how bad this is blah blah blah – mine is like a hundred times worse… )
Late last year I approached a neighbour about a vacant poly tunnel that is on their land and if i could use it for a time – so FINALLY!!! I made a way to the PT and started the clean up…
So I have been madly catching up on my seed sowing (and as always seed buying) I will list all the seeds I have sown and with the flower fairy dust I am hoping for will grow into beautiful flowery flowering plants and I will be able to put them together into some pretty and special bunches this summer…
So here’s to a wonderful April – may you be just the right pace and bring some fabulous spring weather xx