Flowers,  Planting


Hellebores have become a firm favourite of mine especially a winter flower and I am going to try and start a collection of these winter beauties. I am trailing keeping them in pots and see how I get on and I am also considering trying growing them from seed…

The photo below is from some flowers I cut from the garden and brought in to enjoy in the house.

hellebore flower
Hellebore Flower

They make a wonderful bunches to bring indoors so I now have a growing list of ones I am hoping to get and now consistently on the look out to buy… these are more uncommon ones I am finding out…

Sun Flare, Love Bug, Peppermint Ice, Amber Gem, Sparkling Diamond, Lucy, Cinderella, Larissa and Anna Red.

Winter Star

The above Winter Star I picked up from Coton Manor Garden on a resent visit during their open weekends for snowdrops and hellebores.

Georgie from Common Farm Flowers has just done a fabulous You Tube video on designing with hellebores – go watch now… also she share some great tips on how to keep them looking tres amazing in a vase!!!

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