Social Media
I have 3 social media accounts – twitter which I still have an account with but don’t remember the last time I went on it – facebook which I hardly ever go on, I mainly stay on it due to a few family members being on there who live downunder… – I really stopped going on it a few years back as I just found it a kinda rabbit hole and would spend way too much time floating around over there achieving nothing.
I stayed on Instagram – I liked it – I have used IG since 2010 when I posted my first picture…
I didn’t use it every day or even that much but I did use it to keep pictures of things – like a diary I guess – it was for me primarily and not for anyone else.
Over time – especially over the last year-ish I pretty much only moan about it – I go there lots and then yup I just moan -SO- today I decided to give it up. For the record, at the moment, I am not deleting my accounts or taking them down – I have just deleted the app from my phone.
The reason is all on me and how I let it affect me and how it makes me feel – I am not mad or upset with anyone posting on it – people post what they want when and how but I let it make me feel shitty and angry and grumpy and opinionated about their lives and how they wish to live it and what they wish to share and you know what its up to them.
So social media free… lets see how this goes…