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Allotment Update

So as the weather warms up I feel like I can finally spend more time down at the allotment – its not that you can’t go in the cold! HA or wet! HA its just that I really really can’t do cold mainly – wet is ok if its warm (doesn’t happen really in the UK, warm rain… ummm).

In the bed below I have nigella and delphiniums


Here I have Carnations and statice white in the small cell tray and then apricot in the round pots.

The beds are wooden sided – made from dismantled pallets – they are 1m wide by 2m long the base is cardboard in these (on top of the soil) and then compost on top (in these beds it is bought multi purpose compost).

White Statice

I also have a bed with cornflowers in half of it and am undecided what to do with the other half…

I have a ton of seedling I just need to get them planted up…

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