• About,  Life,  Planting


    If you don’t listen to Let’s Grow Girls podcast you really should – but the new seasons start with David Hall talking about Dahlias is truly fantastic. ( I have to say most if not all of the podcasts from them are / is fantastic).

  • life,  Me

    March End…

    So the end of another month – to be honest Jan seemed so very very slow and now in stark contrast Feb and March have just flown past way way to quickly for my liking… what to do – nothing but go with it and try to learn from it and make the next few months go past at a more likeable pace. I have jumped up over the last few weeks and said hey you get a grip so I have started to think about my garden and tidying it up somewhat (its a real disaster – like the kind of disaster that when people show you their ‘real’…