• Bouquets,  Bulbs,  Flowers,  Month,  Planting


    Autumn 2020 I bought a fair few bulbs – Tulips are one of my very very favourite flower I just adore all stages of them. It was the first year that I actually ordered any particular ones – previously I have bought bags from the garden centres and never really considered types or colours. 2020 I changed my mind and poured over the catalogues and order certain ones – you can see what I ordered and read about it here and also part 2. After disappointment and just generally feeling meh about growing them I decided this year (21-22) I would just see what happened to the ones that I…

  • Bulbs,  Flowers,  Month,  Planting


    I have never planted or grown daffs – I always thought I would if I had a garden of my own – the garden I have at the moment is with our house that is rented and they have lovely daffs, which I am enjoying seeing this spring. Also general daffs are so so cheap in the shops it seems a shame to cut them from the garden – however during the last 2 or so years I am realising what huge range / varieties are out there that I am just loving that I am going to make a list and grow some of the more unusual ones for…

  • About,  Flowers,  life,  Me,  Month,  Planting,  Seeds

    March – mid

    This is about the third post I have written for March – Its been a funny old month and every time I have written something – life has thrown a curve ball and not really made what I have written relevant… So… I am running very behind on all the Autumn and Early Spring grow alongs – the seeds are very few and far between… and of course this year with the allotment I have a ton of space to put everyting… WHY AM I BEHIND… This mainly runs to my health – I was diagnosed in Feb with Low Thyroid (I will write about this in a separate section…

  • Uncategorized


    I try to do a month to come and a mini round up of each month – I rarely succeed 🙁 I have actually started the March one but its not very flower based – so for the moment it sits in the draft box… At the moment I feel the whizzing by of the days / weeks and months stresses me somewhat everything seems to go by so quickly… everyone seems in such a rush for the next something rather than enjoying the moment – so although i am trying to resist the rush and hey look how great I am at juggling my f*ing balls – and then…