• About,  life,  Me,  Planting

    General Jan 2022

    My seed sowing list is coming together nicely for this coming year – I feel a lot less overwhelmed and way more in control and confident – not that my haul will be better or anything like that but – I have learnt so much over the last 12 months – mainly just relax enjoy what you do I mean this sounds so obvious doesn’t it especially when its a hobby!!! But I don’t think lots of us really do. So here are a list so far of the seeds etc… I want to sow 2022 – I am sure it will change over time – well it already has…

  • Flowers,  life,  Planting,  Seeds

    January Sweet Pea Sowing 2022

    Sweet Peas Yes again! So every year I say NO I am crap at growing Sweet peas and every year I cant resist in sowing them -they have this hold over me… I have ordered Swan Cottage Flower Mix – that was all I was going to grow but… now I am wondering if to add a few more… ummmmm since I draft wrote this and posted it – I have ordered from Roger Parsons… if you look at my Sweet Peas post from 2021 I have more information on there… I am also closely following @thesweetpeaman on Instagram for thought and advice on how he grows his. (There is…