• Bouquets,  Bulbs,  Flowers

    Tulip Bulbs part 2

    If you have read part 1 you maybe like – confused as it was all doom and gloom for the Tulips – they were a train wreck… I didn’t know why really BUT then… again I don’t really know why, but then BAM tulips so… I am going to share some cutting and storing tips I have picked up… Tips for cutting and storing If you want to store bulbs for next year you need to leave 2 leaves on the stem when you cut (profession tulip growers will pull up bulb and cut at the base of the bulb – then composting the bulb). If you want longest flower…

  • About,  life,  May,  Me,  Month

    Cake Rhubarb

    I love rhubarb – the colour the smell – we lived in a house a few years ago where they had the most ENORMOUSE and GORGEOUS rhubarb plant / bush? thing anyway – every year now I think oh maybe I’ll grow one – but they do take up a LOT of space… well I haven’t done it yet maybe one year… I followed this recipe I have to say it was seriously good – I did alter the topping bit as it was the wrong ratio for me – so I did 25g butter and 4tbsp flour – the rest I left as it was – but I also…

  • About,  May,  Month

    Mid May Update

    It is all going to fast – May please slow down a little… I saw a fun post on some social media site I don’t know where but it was like May now I know why this month is called May (I have added a few of my own as well…) May Rain May Snow May -be sunny May get the last of these seeds planted

  • Flowers,  Planting,  Seeds


    Double flowers (some only single)- stocks are also only a one hit wonder – so DON’T PINCH OUT or they will not flower at all – once they have flowered you use place for something else like Dahlia – if you are growing Dahlias. 1 seed per cell – so just to clarify if 1st leaves are like above they will be single flowers and if not jointed like this should be double flowers. Make a well and put seed in so lots of contact with soil but don’t cover – they need light to germinate. Can plant from about end of feb – (heat mat with hat on as…

  • Bulbs,  Planting

    Tulip Bulbs part 1

    I wanted to have tulips tulips galore – they are my favourite flower so although many people say they are not profitable if selling I bought these primarily to have in the garden and bring in TBH so I ordered lots (for me about 350) so not really to the amount many people buy – but by the result I’m so glad I didn’t order more -I am so sad and disappointed – I sat for hours choosing colours having never ordered bulk like that normally I would just go to local garden centres and pick up a few bags of what they have nothing special – and this year…

  • May,  Month,  Planting

    May here we go…

    Feeling optimistic about May so decided this months word / moto is BE BRAVE so deep breath here we go… Ideas for May… Get photographing – and better at documenting things for the future – remember to take ‘along the way’ photos… for me as I want to get cameras out and batteries charged – somewhere to upload photos – I would like to get a darkroom going again. Sort out the front garden so looks AMAZING – think of it as shop front (move bins to behind gate – yes very annoying when putting out but will look so much better – re-do bunting – brighter colours Try hanging…

  • life,  May,  Month,  Planting


    Welcome May welcome welcome – like every month so far this year it seems like the world has exceedingly high hopes for you – I feel it is almost a little unfair to put such high expectations on a month… ummm So April showers were supposed to bring May Flowers… except April was one of the driest on record… what is that going to hold – lots of watering or not too many flowers I’m not sure. I have lots of thinkings going on in my brain at the moment – I appear to have taken the beginning of each new month this year almost with the same thought process…