• Planting,  Seeds


    So round 2… I planted my original scabious in the Autumn… in my experience not a good plan… they all died and it was fairly tragic – they germinated great rate – one day they were doing so well – then just meh – all dead – So will see how I go with these…I’ve just sown 12 – 2 per pot these are Johnsons seeds (I think they jumped literally into the shopping trolley while doing the food shopping the other day… Ummm funny that) – They were £2 and approx 50 seeds – I am hoping to succession sow – loads of tutorials out there with advise I…

  • About,  Life,  life,  Me,  Planting

    Mid March update

    So mid March – how’s it all going out there? I am trying not to get overwhelmed by what I have sown already and where I am going to put them all… I have decided (after much deliberation… and discussion and stress ) that I am going to grow most of my seeds babies up into pots – we decided that this actually is going to work much better for me this year giving me versatility. I will put some in the garden but just be putting them in rather than stressing about where they can go for cutting. Quick update (22/03/21) as to what I might autumn sow this…

  • Planting


    I haven’t sown these I would like to – my plan was to go to a lavender farm and see what they were growing and selling and hopefully get some great tips… and pick up some actual plants… GUESS what… COVID so last year 2020 I picked up a few potted ones from my local garden nursery. I follow @anya_thegarden_fairy (go follow her! 🙂 ) on Instagram she does great tutorials and one was propagating lavender – so I am going follow her advise and try this this year – Spring is the best / recommended for cuttings – not in the shade – sunny areas – they are happy…

  • Bouquets,  Flowers,  Seeds

    Phlox ’21

    I have never grown phlox before – I mean there is plenty of seeds I have never sown or plants I have grown until this year 2020 /2021 but a lot I have bought as flowers part of bouquet but not sure about these babies – BUT in following so many flower people over on insta I thought meh why not lets give them ago… I ordered mine from Chiltern Seeds I chose 2 packets both mix packets to give myself a taste of what I might like for the future. So I have Birds of a Feather – they should be Creme Brulee Cherry Caramel Isabellina And Phlox of…

  • About,  Bulbs,  Corms,  life,  Me,  Planting,  Seeds

    March Hello

    So, sow, sew… All together now – March is here – I always find the end the month and beginning of a new one a little strange and especially during this year of COVID (yes I know we all want out of this state we are in but for me just rushing the seasons / months / festivals doesn’t help) as I am a worrier and I want time to slow down not speed up and new months tend to make me stress as I see more the time is flying by- I know look forward but… hey we are who we are. As I said I am natural stresser…